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Think better with Reflect
Think betterwith Reflect

Never miss a note, idea or connection.

hero video preview
Built for speed
Instantly sync your notes across devices
Networked notes
Form a graph of ideas with backlinked notes
iOS app
Capture ideas on the go, online or offline
End-to-end encryption
Only you can access your notes
Calendar integration
Keep track of meetings and agendas
Share anything you write with one click
Instant capture
Save snippets from your browser and Kindle
Frictionless search
Easily recall and index past notes and ideas
Reflect AI

Notes with an AI assistant
Notes with anAI assistant

Reflect uses GPT-4 and Whisper from OpenAI to improve your writing,
organize your thoughts, and act as your intellectual thought partner.

How to use AI to take better notes
What can LLMs like GPT do, specifically for note-taking?
Ask anything to AI...
Answer the question I’m asking

What can you do with Reflect AI?
What can you dowith Reflect AI?

Transcribe voice notes
with human-level accuracy
Generate article outlines
from your scattered thoughts
List key takeaways and action
items from your meeting notes
Fix grammar, spelling,
and improve your writing
Save your own
custom prompts
All your notes, connected

Give your brain superpowers
Give your brainsuperpowers

Mirror the way your mind works by associating notes through backlinks.
Reflect builds you a second brain that you can reference anytime.

Frictionless thought capture. Record your ideas and to-do’s easily, so you never miss a thing.
Research and reading

Never lose information
Never loseinformation

Collect your web snippets, Kindle highlights and important links – all in one place.
Then quickly find them again from any device.

Integrated with your devices
We're everywhere, mobile or desktop, online
or offline. Everything is synced in real-time.
Secure but open
End-to-end encryption keeps your notes secure.
Our export and API keeps your notes accessible.

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Hardened security

The contents of your notes are end-to-end
encrypted. No one else can read them
(not even us).


Get more out
of your meetings
Get more outof your meetings

Keep track of all your meetings and what was discussed.
Import events quickly with our Google Calendar and Outlook integrations.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar
Google Calendar
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Google Calendar
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats
Meeting with Jonathan at Coffee Brewr
Product call with the Design team
Team call to figure out whats

Use Reflectwith other apps

Mirror the way your mind works by associating notes through backlinks. Reflect builds you a second brain that you can reference anytime.

Connect with Reflect with dozens of
applications without code
Sync your reading highlights and
notes with Reflect.
Google and Outlook
Integrate your contacts and calendars
Chrome and Safari
Save web clips and sync with your Kindle
Connect with Reflect with dozens of
applications without code
Sync your reading highlights and
notes with Reflect.
Google and Outlook
Integrate your contacts and calendars
Chrome and Safari
Save web clips and sync with your Kindle
pricing background
Get access

We like keeping things simpleOne plan one price.
We like keepingthings simpleOne plan one price.

(if billed annually)
Networked note-taking
Chrome and Safari web clipper
Kindle offline sync
End to end encryption
Kindle highlights sync
iOS app
Wall of love

Loved by thinkers

Here’s what people are saying about us

Avatar of Sean Rose
Sean Rose
Really, really liking @reflectnotes so far. It's just the right amount of simple/fast for a personal note taking app and does most of the hard work of organizing in the background.
Avatar of Ryan Delk
Ryan Delk
Don’t take it from me: @reflectnotes is magic.
Avatar of Demetria Giles
Demetria Giles
Playing around with @reflectnotes. I’m back logging key thoughts, details and soundbites from episodes, books, meetings, articles, etc from the past week. So far, it’s a knowledge worker’s dream come true.
Avatar of Flour storm
Flour storm
@maccaw holy shit reflect app design is so good my writing and introspective ability went up 10x since i got it. was using bear/notion before but the simplicity of reflect is beautiful.
Avatar of Sean Rose
Sean Rose
Really, really liking @reflectnotes so far. It's just the right amount of simple/fast for a personal note taking app and does most of the hard work of organizing in the background.
Avatar of Ryan Delk
Ryan Delk
Don’t take it from me: @reflectnotes is magic.
Avatar of Demetria Giles
Demetria Giles
Playing around with @reflectnotes. I’m back logging key thoughts, details and soundbites from episodes, books, meetings, articles, etc from the past week. So far, it’s a knowledge worker’s dream come true.
Avatar of Flour storm
Flour storm
@maccaw holy shit reflect app design is so good my writing and introspective ability went up 10x since i got it. was using bear/notion before but the simplicity of reflect is beautiful.
Avatar of Jeremy McPeak
Jeremy McPeak
I just received an invite to @reflectnotes, and holy crap! It is well thought out, and I can see this being my note-taking platform going forward. Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing how the app progresses.
Avatar of Fabrizio Rinaldi
Fabrizio Rinaldi
I’m keeping @reflectnotes open *all* the time, and I’m using both for simple journaling, and long form writing. It’s rare to see a single app work so well for both.
Avatar of Jonathan Simcoe
Jonathan Simcoe
All righty. I have to give a massive shout-out to @maccaw for pioneering @reflectnotes. It has already matured to a point where it is a daily driver for me. The speed, focus, and attention to detail (especially perfect bits of structured data) is superb.
Avatar of Chris
Absolutely loving @reflectnotes. The visualisation of the neural network is superb and seeing it develop makes me want to take daily notes. The back-linking makes associations effortless. Hats off to @maccaw and his team, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for🙏
Avatar of Jeremy McPeak
Jeremy McPeak
I just received an invite to @reflectnotes, and holy crap! It is well thought out, and I can see this being my note-taking platform going forward. Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing how the app progresses.
Avatar of Fabrizio Rinaldi
Fabrizio Rinaldi
I’m keeping @reflectnotes open *all* the time, and I’m using both for simple journaling, and long form writing. It’s rare to see a single app work so well for both.
Avatar of Jonathan Simcoe
Jonathan Simcoe
All righty. I have to give a massive shout-out to @maccaw for pioneering @reflectnotes. It has already matured to a point where it is a daily driver for me. The speed, focus, and attention to detail (especially perfect bits of structured data) is superb.
Avatar of Chris
Absolutely loving @reflectnotes. The visualisation of the neural network is superb and seeing it develop makes me want to take daily notes. The back-linking makes associations effortless. Hats off to @maccaw and his team, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for🙏

We're an indie teamdotted across the globe
We're an indieteam dottedacross the globe

Our mission is to improve the way people think by making a jolly good note-taking app.


Learn how to take greatnotes at our academy
Learn how to takegreat notes atour academy

Master the principles of note-taking in
Reflect's free online Academy.

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Think better with Reflect
Think better withReflect

Never miss a note, idea or connection.